Papetsas Building
                         and  Design
Co. Inc.
36 Pilgrim Heights Road, P. O. Box 858, Provincetown, MA 02657
Telephone & FAX: 508-487-2242
Award Winning property -   
Boston Magazine featured -
Waterfront Renovation -
Custom      stair work, wall
paneling and    crown
Provincetown Historical Commission Award Winner.
"Best Residential Restoration Award"  
1840-60 Greek Revival Sidehall Cottage
Historically Registered "Floater" Home
Floated from Long Point to its present location on Commercial St. Provincetown
Commercial Street
Preservation using
original Bricks &
Wooden Pegged
Rafters & Beams dating
to the early 1800's
Renovation of
Historical Art Studios
-  Rockwell Kent's
illustrations for the
classic Moby Dick
novel were rendered